This 240 acres just north of Hominy has great timber with roughly 25% clearing mixed in. Oover a mile of Hellroaring Creek, which forks right in the center creating a perfect meadow in the bottom that will set up as an ideal food plot/feeder location where the does should be spending their time. On the outside of the creek forks, the property has steeper slopes covered in timber that level off into mixed timber and fields which will be ideal for bucks to bed on those shoulders. The northern half is thick timber slopes that are basically left untouched, so I'd expect some big bucks to be hanging out. Its a very secluded property off gravel roads and will be a hunters dream. Multiple deer and other wildlife are roaming the property, and it has primarily been used as a hunting property in the past, although the last couple years has mostly been left alone. Great location for proximity to Tulsa and Bartlesville, as well as located within 30 minutes of Skiatook Lake. No legal access, verbal access only, buyer to acquire permanent legal access.